Accessing internal edge values

In the following, we will present two different ways how the edge values of an ODEFunction with StaticEdges can be retrieved. A more extensive demonstration is available in the examples folder.

Accessing edge values via GetGD

NetworkDynamics.jl includes the types GetGD and GetGS, which can be used to access to the underlying GraphData and GraphStruct objects by multiple dispatching of the generated ODEFunction. Let nd be the ODEFunction that has been formed by calling network_dynamics. To get access to the edge values at any time $t$, nd can be called as follows:

gd_nd = nd(x, p, t, GetGD) # exposes underlying graph data struct
e_values = gd_nd.gdb.e_array
nothing # hide

By adding GetGD as an argument to the call of nd, a GraphData instance at the given time, parameters and states will be returned. gdb is the internal GraphDataBuffer struct. The argument x has to be the precomputed state of the system at time t, e.g. from a solution object.

Accessing edge values using SavingCallback

Instead of recomputing the values of the edge variables they can be saved in parallel to an integration with DiffEqCallbacks.

using DiffEqCallbacks: SavingCallback, SavedValues

saved_values = SavedValues(Float64, Vector{Float64})
function saving_func(u, t, integrator)
    edgevals = Float64[]
    for i in 1:integrator.f.f.graph_structure.num_e
        push!(edgevals, integrator.f.f.graph_data.gdb.e[i]...)
cb = SavingCallback(saving_func, saved_values)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(); callback=cb)

The variables saved_values will contain the stored edge values. At the moment this method requires detailed knowledge of the internal data structures. Our plan is to simplify this in a future release.